Learning Link - article thumnail image

Learning Link

What is Learning Link? CCFC Learning Link is a parent/child interactive learning center. Children from the ages of 0-3 years of age can learn in a fun, hands on, and developmentally appropriate way.
Preschool Registration for 2025- 2026 - article thumnail image

Preschool Registration for 2025 - 2026

We are now registering for the 2025-26 school year! Children born between 09/02/2021 and 12/01/2022 are eligible for our our State Preschool program . We are excited to offer a Fee Based Preschool Program at Skylark. Please visit their website for further information. If you have questions, please call us at 714-663-6298 Monday – Friday between the hours of 7:30 – 4:00.
Fee Based Preschool - article thumnail image

Fee Based Preschool

We are so excited for your interest in having your child become a Skylark Shark! Skylark Preschool is located at 11250 MacMurray Garden Grove, CA 92841    Please visit our website for additional information on our Affordable Fee Based Program.   …
Parent Resources - article thumnail image

Parent Resources

Garden Grove Unified School District has suspended in person classes for students effective Monday, March 16. Preschool teachers will be contacting you via parent square to provide you with activities that you can do with your child at home. You can…

Director's Message

Director's Message

Welcome to the Clinton Corner Family Campus (CCFC) Webpage! We are the site for the GGUSD State Preschool program, along with three Adult Education ESL classes.

Our state preschool program is a half-day, 3-hour program with sessions in the morning and afternoon. Families must qualify for our program based on family size and family income.  For the 2020-2021 school year, children must be born between 12/3/2015 and 9/1/2017. We are currently enrolling new students, so please call us for more information!

We are still registering  for the 2020-21 school year.  The birth-dates for 2020-21 are 12/3/2015-9/1/2017. Please come in  to complete an Interest Form.

GGUSD State Preschool classrooms are currently located on the following Elementary School campuses:

Brookhurst, Carver, Clinton Corner Family Campus, Heritage, Lawrence, Murdy, Peters K-3, Rosita, Russell, Skylark and Violette.

CCFC also has three Adult Education ESL classes that meet Monday through Thursday from 8:15-11:15 and 12:00-2:30. The classes are available at no cost. Please contact our office or Lincoln Education Center for specific session dates. Registration and testing take place at CCFC.

Clinton Corner Family Campus is located at 13581 Clinton Street, Garden Grove 92843. Our office is open from 7:30-4:00 Monday through Friday. If you have questions, please contact us at 714-663-6298.


Emma Druitt, Ed.D

Director Preschool Programs

Clinton Corner Family Campus



We are committed to preparing all students to be successful and responsible citizens who contribute and thrive in a diverse society.


To ensure student success, we will provide a rigorous and supportive academic experience that motivates all learners to meet high expectations.

Our School

Welcome CCFC students and parents!

Clinton Corner Family Campus is the state preschool program that offers classes on campus and ten elementary sites. These sites are Brookhurst, Carver, Clinton Corner Family Campus, Heritage, Lawrence, Murdy, Peters K-3, Rosita, Russell, Skylark and Violette. Our family campus serves 1,100 students in attendance, teaching them important 21st century skills as they embark on a new educational experience in preschool. Our morning and afternoon sessions double the learning experience as our 23 educators teach two sessions each!

This GGUSD State Preschool Program participates in QRIS (Quality Rating and Improvement System). With that being broached, all 23 GGUSD state preschool classrooms are considered by the state to be high quality classrooms based on the QRIS criteria. Here at CCFC, we pride ourselves on having high quality classrooms when playing a large role in the social and psychological development of our preschool friends. We collaborate and discuss the importance of overall well-being as a means to bring in academic and personal success as the innovative preschool program that we are. 

Thanks in advance for your endless support and we hope to bring in a new school year of creativity, communication, and support. For questions, comments, or concerns, please visit our front office or call us at (714) 663-6298.

Mission Statement